This is very interesting! Me & Kavna were trying to understand the program/script you had written :)! Is it Python in Spanish?

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What an incredible experience!! Awesome job Vismaya👏

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Hi Vismaya , very well written and you have a great future to be an author

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Very challenging experiences Vismaya 👏

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Wow, high school course work is hard in itself and then to do it all in Spanish is a completely different level. Hats off to you Vismaya, for adapting so fast to a foreign language and using it so well.

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I tried to read the code without knowing Spanish !

Enter two numbers num1 and num2

Read the inputs

If the remainder is zero when num2 is divided by num1

Print num2

So, the program is finding if num2 is a multiple of num1.

Great job of managing so many subjects in a foreign language.

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Hmm. What coding language is this? Some of its familiar but most of it's different

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Looking at Spanish computer code is very interesting! Looks like factoring of numbers??

Picking up a foreign language and studying science and history in that language is an arduous task; you have so easily transitioned into a different educational system. Kudos Vismaya!

Thank you for providing the insight into your course material and the school.

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very cool!!!

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