Laura's kitchen is amazing with lot of delicacies!!!

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Vismaya, food looks delicious. I can't wait for you to come back and try some of Laura's recipes.

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your description of the various food items is amazing.

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Food looks delectable:)

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Oh! Mi dios tu cosinas muy bien se be delicioso tu mama españala cosine muy bien , pero tu mama aqui cosina delicioso tambien es perando de que cuando llegues cosines para para deleitarnos I tu cosinas muy bien aqui

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All that food looks so good! I want some Tarta de Marivi too.

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Lovely blog on food vismaya! I enjoyed reading your journal!

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The food looks delicious 😋. Wish I could try everything. I am glad that you could experience all this at a very young age. Keep us updated with your wonderful blogs.

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The food looks scrumptious, the pictures are seriously making me feel hungry😋

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Superb blog on food Vismaya:) looks super yummy!😋

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comida deliciosa: )es muy tentador. tu madre anfitriona es una cocinera increíble

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Wow, the food looks so good! It's very nice to see your bonding with your host mom and how well she takes care of you. I know you are an awesome cook too, and I'm sure you will be mastering a few of Laura’s recipes for us to try back in Santa Clara! 😋 Every post of yours is so fun to read, and I learn a lot of new vocabulary as well! I'm learning so much from all your experiences! Thank you!

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lovely post Vismaya:) OMG! Food looks super yummy. Looks like Laura is an Awesome cook. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your journal

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Vismaya reading this article made me hungry and It would be awesome if you shared some recipes ;)

Knowing you, I can't wait to try laura recipes once your back <3

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The dishes looks lovely!! Looks like you have a lot of passion for cooking. Can't wait to try the delicious meals you make once you come back!!

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Lovely post ! You host mother is so sweet:)

All her dishes looks delicious. We could clearly see her passion for cooking. Its really nice to see how you added a brief description of recipes along with the pictures.. wonderful!!

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