Very nicely written Vismaya. Enjoying your blog and reading about the wonderful things you get to experience. Nice to experience Spain through your blog :) Have fun!
Vismaya, escribes como los ángeles!! (Eso es un dicho español ☺️) Es un placer leerte por tu forma de escribir pero, sobre todo, por tu manera de describir tu experiencia en España y por verte disfrutar de las cosas pequeñas y grandes. Has comprendido al 100% lo que significa y conlleva ser un estudiante de intercambio. Sigue disfrutando y haciéndonos disfrutar! Gracias!!
Excellent write up . Loved it . Glad that you are enjoying every moment now with Spanish friends
loved your narration :) Nice to know that you made lots of friends in Spain. Have fun!
Such a lovely post vismaya!! Really love reading your posts they make my day :)
Vismaya... wonderful..enjoyed reading it. Keep on writing
I really like reading your blogs; it feels like I’m reading a book!
Vismaya, I enjoyed reading about your friends. Your writing is really good😊
Very nicely written Vismaya. Enjoying your blog and reading about the wonderful things you get to experience. Nice to experience Spain through your blog :) Have fun!
Well written! Enjoyed reading your journal, waiting for more to show on this blog
I miss your prank playing on me but I hope your friends loved it :)
Muchas gracias!! Me alegro que te lo estés pasando bien!! ❤️❤️
Vismaya, escribes como los ángeles!! (Eso es un dicho español ☺️) Es un placer leerte por tu forma de escribir pero, sobre todo, por tu manera de describir tu experiencia en España y por verte disfrutar de las cosas pequeñas y grandes. Has comprendido al 100% lo que significa y conlleva ser un estudiante de intercambio. Sigue disfrutando y haciéndonos disfrutar! Gracias!!
You have made lot of friends in this journey. Great to see the pictures and as always your writing is truly enjoyable. Thank you Vismaya!
Keep up the good writing 👏
What a gifted writer you are !! Thoroughly enjoyed reading your journal. Keep it up 👌
¡bonita escritura!! No entendí algunas palabras, aún así disfruté leyendo tu blog 👌