Nice discussion on a topic very relevant to all of us. I really enjoyed reading this. This is a good reminder to take time to understand different cultures and break from pre-conceived notions. I am glad you get to experience this at such a young age. This will come in handy all through your life as you travel more and explore. Awesome post!!

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gran experiencia Vismaya. Puedo imaginar lo difícil que es para ti.pero aprenderás mucho.. como dijiste, estos son los mejores profesores

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Congratulations 🎉 Vismaya on a well deserved recognition from your teacher. Learning a language and the culture at the same time is by no means a small accomplishment.

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Awesome writing, Vismaya. It's great to see how much you learn and grow with these experiences. I thoroughly enjoy reading your journal.

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Happy Birthday Vismaya! Have the happiest of birthdays!🎉

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Happy Birthday Vismaya! Enjoy this wonderful day! Hope you have a very fun birthday!🎂🎁🎉

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Nicely written Vismaya! Reading your journal brings you and Spain close to us. What a great experience !!

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I agree, many regions have distorted views of other countries, which all add to many misconceptions/stereotypes that we hold for other countries. This is actually a big problem with our society. Kind of making assumptions before learning the real thing. I guess it all goes back to the saying don't judge a book by its cover

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I love your blog! I enjoyed it thoroughly and I was able to relate to it really well. Its great how you write about your experiences and at the same time teach us as well. Thank you, and as always, great writing!

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I love how raw your writing is when talking about your experiences; your determined mindset really shows itself in through your eloquence :)

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Wow this is must be really hard to cope with! Well written Vismaya, you have been through so many incredible experiences! I can easily relate to this... As you said, "This one will pass to sooner than it should, but these experiences are the best teachers".

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Bold and Beautiful Vismaya 🥰

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Vismaya, I hear you. Completely understand your feelings. These are great life lessons for you. Very proud of you 👏 Nicely written 👌

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esta es una gran experiencia para ti. Entiendo perfectamente tus dificultades. te hará aún más fuerte.

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vismaya, esta es una gran experiencia de vida que los libros no pueden enseñarte. también lo explicaste muy bien:)

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Es una. Buenicima experiencia para ti vismaya por seguro que te va a baler muchisimo para tu vida y te ba hacer muy fuerte una buenicima leccion cuidate mucho feliz cumpleaños happy birthday to you disfrute los dulces en españa😃

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